Hello! I will start with a small introduction of myself as I am sure many of you parents do not know me as I am a teacher from Ainosato.
My name is Paul and I come from England. I have lived in Sapporo for 6 years. You might even see me in the mornings when I drop off my son.
こんにちは! あいの里から異動してきたばかりで、僕のことをほとんど知らない方も多いと思うので、ちょっとだけ自己紹介をしますね。
Let me start by saying a big thank you for your time, understanding and support to all the parents during this difficult period who was able to take the time to help their children continue learning online.
Next I`d like to say how wonderful it is to be back in the classroom and teaching face to face with your children. Teaching online had it`s difficulties with many of the children I teach in class at school. It was hard to see how the children were progressing but being back in class it is great to see how the children have developed with learning the songs, recognising target sounds in poems, following instructions without the teacher modelling and answering simple questions.
As we move forward in the unit we encourage the children to take on a more active role, which you can see all the children are very keen on trying to show and use what they have learnt in the unit.