園の様子 / お知らせ

Krista’s GrapeSEED Classes

For the end of July, we are happy to see faces back in the classroom! The English afterschool program, Grapeseed program was held online for a short time during the state of emergency. 

Thank you to all the parents, grandparents and other family members who helped facilitate online learning from home.  

We were happy to be able to still make online contact with students. We had the chance to see different strengths of each child via online learning!  
Students were able to introduce things in their houses in English like family members and toys. Recently with everyone back in the classroom, we have had the chance to do activities from the materials we learned via online learning. 

Recently, the 5 year-old group had fun with storytelling.The Farmer and the Carrot” in  English. Each class, the students take turns being a character. Everyone is always exited to see who will be the rabbit at the end! 

By Ms.Krista 

