園の様子 / お知らせ

Patrick’s GrapeSEED Classes

The new students are doing well in their first GrapeSEED lessons. Everyone is trying their best to sing along to the songs and can remember and repeat a lot of new words. Great job!



Our older classes are doing well too.

After finishing Unit 3, we are all excited to have started Unit 4. This unit focuses a lot on farm animals and insects. An idea for the weekends: take a walk in the countryside, see how many of these creatures you can find.

Our Unit 7 book gives us the chance to use more advanced English phrases and expressions, while talking about fun and interesting topics such as birthday parties, changes in the weather and fun toys to play with.

Unit 12 builds on concepts introduced in previous units, and we will have the opportunity to focus on using present, past and future tenses with confidence.

The attendance, engagement and participation in the online lessons has been excellent and I am extremely pleased with the maturity of all students throughout. Very well done indeed.

By Patrick

Krista’s GrapeSEED Classes 

